Create csv with below link:
# Import active directory module for running AD cmdlets
Import-Module ActiveDirectory # Store the data from NewUsersFinal.csv in the $ADUsers variable $ADUsers = Import-Csv C:\temp\NewUsersFinal.csv -Delimiter ";" # Define UPN $UPN = "" # Loop through each row containing user details in the CSV file foreach ($User in $ADUsers) { #Read user data from each field in each row and assign the data to a variable as below $username = $User.username $password = $User.password $firstname = $User.firstname $lastname = $User.lastname $initials = $User.initials $OU = $User.ou #This field refers to the OU the user account is to be created in $email = $ $streetaddress = $User.streetaddress $city = $ $zipcode = $User.zipcode $state = $User.state $country = $ $telephone = $User.telephone $jobtitle = $User.jobtitle $company = $ $department = $User.department # Check to see if the user already exists in AD if (Get-ADUser -F { SamAccountName -eq $username }) { # If user does exist, give a warning Write-Warning "A user account with username $username already exists in Active Directory." } else { # User does not exist then proceed to create the new user account # Account will be created in the OU provided by the $OU variable read from the CSV file New-ADUser ` -SamAccountName $username ` -UserPrincipalName "$username@$UPN" ` -Name "$firstname $lastname" ` -GivenName $firstname ` -Surname $lastname ` -Initials $initials ` -Enabled $True ` -DisplayName "$lastname, $firstname" ` -Path $OU ` -City $city ` -PostalCode $zipcode ` -Country $country ` -Company $company ` -State $state ` -StreetAddress $streetaddress ` -OfficePhone $telephone ` -EmailAddress $email ` -Title $jobtitle ` -Department $department ` -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-secureString $password -AsPlainText -Force) -ChangePasswordAtLogon $True # If user is created, show message. Write-Host "The user account $username is created." -ForegroundColor Cyan } } Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"